More than fifty OCA members and guests enjoyed a delicious fish dinner at the Ocean Garden Restaurant in Reedsport. With Covid apparently on the wane, it was nice to see OCA members enjoying an opportunity to socialize and enjoy the bounties of the sea. The fish for the meal were donated by successful anglers Doug Buck, Steve Godin, Tim Hooper, Steven O’Neal, Paul Osekowsky, Kevin Prescott, and Bill Taylor.
At the dinner Lisa Amundsen, who had previously volunteered to be the OCA Secretary was unanimously approved by OCA members. Steve Godin, OCA President gave a brief and very positive outlook regarding 2022 ocean and river fishing opportunity. As dinner concluded, a nice spinning rod and reel was raffled, and new OCA member Don Pederson was the lucky winner.
The next OCA meeting will be on Thursday, April 7th starting at 6:30 PM at the Marina Activity Center in Winchester Bay. Leif Rasmuson, ODFW Marine Biologist will be our Guest Speaker. Leif will be reporting on the status of Black Rockfish and the ocean survey he managed that spanned the entire Oregon Coast. Black Rockfish, considered by many anglers the most prized of all bottom fish, are caught all along the Oregon Coast from shore and boats.