STEP Hatchery support

Oregon Coast Anglers members are active in supporting STEP Hatcheries. Attached are some pictures of OCA members and STEP volunteers working to put more salmon and trout in the water for us to catch. Many OCA members are also volunteers at STEP hatcheries from Florence to Brookings. There are many opportunities to get involved in the Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program, and I encourage you to do so. Thanks to OCA members who volunteer and all the STEP hatchery volunteers.

ODFW is proposing to eliminate positions on the Salmon and Trout Advisory Council for cost saving reasons. Below is a note from Leonard Krug, Oregon Anglers Association, President.

“On Friday the 13th of Nov., the ODFW commission will accept or reject a proposal by staffers, to reduce our Salmon Trout Advisory Committee from 13 to 7 positions.

The reasoning behind this proposal are budgetary concerns due to travel expenses incurred by STAC members. 2019 was primarily a year for meetings being conducted by video conferencing and NOT incurring travel expenses. This change in how we conduct business will likely continue on into the future. We believe that there are other options to be considered to meet budget.

It is the opinion of the Oregon Anglers Alliance that the STEP/STAC program has been a major factor in maintaining our hatchery programs as we know them. We fear that this may be another step towards eroding our privilege of hatcheries and harvest.

This proposal was brought forth very suddenly and consequently, there has been ZERO public comment posted.

We fear that without any opposition from the public, that this may be accepted by the commission.

Please take the time to submit a comment requesting that the commission reject this petition.

Please take the time to encourage others to do the same.

Please take the time to help us retain our ability to assist in managing this pubic resource.

You may find the proposal in more detail on the ODFW commission site, 11-13 agenda, Exhibit “C”.


Please request that the commission reject this proposal to revise STAC size and territories.”


I wish you all a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving,

